
Yoann Trellu


We previously motivated the need for a unified education of engineered systems, as well as abstraction tools. We also mentioned the three keys of any well-designed language.

To build a coherent whole, here is a starting point.

(* Bruijn index *)
type index = int

type term =
  | Var of index
  | Lam of term
  | App of term * term

Our goal will be to formulate the statements from Tarski’s book with this language. One consequence is that a compiler will help us verify that our logic and proofs are sound.

Another goal is that we are translating a mathematical statement with code.

Finally, we hope to achieve an incremental understanding:

Extracting a learning sequence forces us to decide between

One might also wonder, building an understanding here should not only focus on a given result. That understanding should be a world getting richer and richer. In that case, starting from the axioms is coherent.

Using the same label in the input of the function is asking the compiler to add an equality check. This means it won’t go through the type checking. TODO:

The pedagogical tool. A universal translator accepting a breadth of inputs. Output is a documented, structured understanding of the object. The understanding would also be translated to a graphical representation (DAGs). So that understanding will be about linking a set of hypothesis to a result. An environment to an observable.

Applying a unified view to finance:

Examples of insurance products: